Monday, January 30, 2006


First things first

I recently have had many brushes with abusive and intimidating religious cults. This is my blog to help you identify them so as to avoid them.

The main thing we must understand is that cults create confusion about God. Many times when people leave a cult they become Atheist and deny that we have a Saviour in our Lord Christ Jesus.

First things first here is a good page I found (a page dedicated to helping former members of the Worldwide Church of God cope but can be applied to most any abusive cult). About the Worldwide Church of God: it is a much different church than the one Armstrong created. It is no longer abusive or a cult.

Here's the link:

in case the site shuts down I repasted it here.

Religious Cult Leaders Have These Things in Common

claims he is "divinely appointed by God" and is given "a special commission to fulfill on this earth"
claims to have been given "special, revealed knowledge," or is "restoring forgotten truths"
claims his writings are "absolute truths" or "revelations" and heavily distributes them to members
claims he has "answers to all of life's questions" (black and white thinking)
authoritatively teaches members to conform to dietary laws, dress codes, childrearing techniques, dating, marriage, observances of days, and sexual teachings
encourages members to "cut off ties" with friends, family members, co-workers and relatives (isolation)
strictly controls members' finances; coerces them into giving financially
unites the group by causing them to focus on Satan (and his "lies"), who is seen in everything outside the group's teachings
claims that apocalypse, Armageddon, Great Tribulation and "the End of the Age" is just around the corner and members must stay in the group or go else through it
practices shunning, denouncing, marking and disfellowshipping
teaches that leaving the group is equated to "eternal death in the Lake of Fire" and "losing one's chance for salvation."
places a priesthood or other hierarchy between the believer and God. Members must go through the "proper channels"
has a shepherding, discipling or visitation program to "keep members in check"
teaches and circulates many sacred myths and stories concerning his "divine appointment"
has "sacred roots," which means he perpetuates stories of how the group's beginnings can be traced back to the original, ancient "true" church or disciples.
is considered an "end-time prophet," "Elijah," "Apostle," "That Prophet," etc. When the prophecies fail, members are blamed for not being "pure enough," "not ready," etc.
engages in living standards (usually without the members' knowledge) that far exceeds the living standards of the members
does not observe, or apply to himself, the rules that govern his membership (a double-standard exists)
has an understanding of mind control and knows how to use it

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